Last Updated: September 09, 2019
· kablamo

Great vim plugins + links

Here is a list of the vim plugins I'm using (sorted by author):

Am I missing out on anything?

(see also: my dotfiles)

3 Responses
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vundle is actually better than pathogen.
As for plugins:


vim-css-color.git to show color when editing css

over 1 year ago ·

Thanks @konstantin. vim-css-color looks awesome. I've been avoiding that zencoding thing for a while. I should probably learn to use that.

Lots of people say Vundle is better but I prefer Pathogen. I don't see the advantage of Vundle. Also I'm already using submodules in my repo because it has all my dotfiles in there. Using Vundle would just add commands I need to run in addition to the git submodule ones I'm already running.

over 1 year ago ·

Zen Coding is really great. It speeds up the writing of markup dramatically.
Please note that it was recently renamed to emmet, so eventually this is what you will need to look for.

I used to have pathogen. It's tedious to update submodules to current version.(vundle does it automatically)
Then I wrote install script that does everything vim-config.

You basically copy and paste this to bash:

curl -L|bash

Same with my dotfiles

over 1 year ago ·