Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· newtriks

Setting Up Node.JS on Boxen


Add the latest puppet-nodejs using the latest tag for the version (2.1.0 at the time of writing this post):

github "nodejs",   "2.1.0"

Comment out or remove nvm:

#github "nvm",     "1.0.0"


Comment out or remove nvm include:

#include nvm

The example site.pp includes specific Node.js versions using the old version format. I personally removed these and added them to my personal manifest file but you can add them to another manifest as you see fit.

Comment out or remove nodejs version includes:

# node versions
#include nodejs::0-4
#include nodejs::0-6
#include nodejs::0-8

newtriks.pp (replace newtriks with your chosen manifest file name)

Add the Node.js version include:

include nodejs::v0_10

Add your global (if a system wide manifest) modules:

nodejs::module { ['coffee-script', 'meteorite']:
  node_version => 'v0.10'

Add a global Node.js version:

class { 'nodejs::global':
    version => 'v0.10'

Command line

Navigate to your Boxen repos:

cd /opt/boxen/repo

And finally run:


...and you should see output detailing Nodejs[v0.10.0] has been created along with the modules you declared. Open a new shell window and test a command and you should be up and running.

Commit your changes to your Boxen repos and your done!

Full article can be read here: