Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· ofcapl

Meteor shorten string spacebar helper

If You're building some lists view (e.g. posts list) and You want to shorten their names You can achieve that using this UI helper:

UI.registerHelper('shortIt', function(stringToShorten, maxCharsAmount){
  if(stringToShorten.length > maxCharsAmount){
    return stringToShorten.substring(0, maxCharsAmount) + '...';
  return stringToShorten;


{{#each PostList}}
  {{shortIt this.title 15}}

And that's it! Enjoy!

2 Responses
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Thanks, this was helpful. I change it a bit to accommodate what I needed.
UI.registerHelper('shortIt', function(stringToShorten, maxCharsAmount){ if(stringToShorten.length <= maxCharsAmount){ return stringToShorten; } return stringToShorten.substring(0, maxCharsAmount); });
I did this so that the returned string is shortened only if it is longer than what was put in and if it isn't I only needed the whole string returned.


over 1 year ago ·

Thanks a lot. Loved it!

over 1 year ago ·