Last Updated: September 19, 2016
· rmurphey

My Workspace


I spend most of my time working out of my home in Durham, NC, but I also travel a lot. This week, I'm in the Bocoup offices in Boston, and I brought a few things along that I try to have with me if I'm going to be in one place for a while: my 13" MacBook air, my keyboard and trackpad, my little red notebook, my Parker pen, and tissues and cold medicine for the inevitable sniffles that seem to ensue whenever I leave home. I also just bought a 24" ViewSonic monitor for my visits here -- I desperately miss my iMac's 27" monitor when I'm away from home. On my computer: OS X, MacVim for my editor, Chrome for day-to-day browsing and development, rdio for music, Marked for markdown previewing awesomeness, and irssi for staying in touch with colleagues near and far.

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My Workspace
