Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· sixviv

Gems on Windows

Some gems are not friend of Windows, so we can have a lot of difficulties to install them, so here some tips

Installing Curb

  1. Create a directory structure something like this, in the same Ruby's folder:

    CD \
    MKDIR Knapsack\x86-windows
    CD Knapsack\x86-windows

  2. Download from and extract the files in the new directory

  3. Set bin directory in the PATH


  4. Run:

    gem install curb -- --with-curl-dir=C:\RailsInstaller\knapsack\x86-windows

Installing libv8

  1. Install Python, ensure that python and ruby are in the same directory

  2. Set the python directory in the PATH

>gem install libv8

Installing therubyracer

  1. You need to have installed libv8

  2. Just put on your gemfile: gem 'therubyracer', :platform => :ruby