Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· baltazore

Installing libv8 and therubyracer v0.12.0 for ree-1.8.7-2012.02

Don't ask what is this, just paste it to console

rbenv local ree-1.8.7-2012.02
gem install bundler
git clone
cd libv8
git checkout v3.16.14.3
echo "source ''\ngem 'rubyzip', '0.9.7' \ngemspec\n" > Gemfile
gem update --system
rake checkout
curl -o patches/my-patch
git add patches/my-patch.patch
rake install
gem install therubyracer -v '0.12.0'

Thanks @oivoodoo for contributing.

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Update the steps:

rbenv local ree-1.8.7-2012.02
gem install bundler
git clone
cd libv8
git checkout v3.16.14.3
echo "source ''\ngem 'rubyzip', '0.9.7' \ngemspec\n" > Gemfile
gem update --system
rake checkout
curl -o patches/my-patch
git add patches/my-patch.patch
rake install
gem install therubyracer -v '0.12.0'
over 1 year ago ·