Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· bripkens

Useful Mercurial aliases


# Copy the name of the current branch to the clipboard 
alias hgb="hg branch | \
           tr -d '\n' | \
           xclip -selection clipboard && \
           echo \"$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)\" "

# Show all branches in a more readable way
alias hgbs="hg branches | \
            column -t | \

# Same as hgbs, but additionally shows closed branches
alias hgbsc="hg branches -c | \
             column -t | \

# Copy branch/changeset information to the clipboard.
# Useful when referring to commits
alias hglc="hg log -l 1 | \
            grep -1 changeset | \
            xclip -selection clipboard"