Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· jinjaeadams

Simple Javascript game with inputs from user

confirm("I am ready to play!");

var age = prompt("What's your age");

if(age < 13) {

console.log("You can play but that's none of my business");


else {

console.log("Then let's get started!");


console.log("You are at a concert, and you hear this lyric 'Lace my shoes off, start racing.'");

console.log("Suddenly, the singer stops and says, 'Who wants to race me?'");

userAnswer = prompt("Do you want to race him on stage?");

if(userAnswer = "yes"){

console.log("You and him start racing. It's neck and neck! You win by a shoelace!");



console.log("Oh no! He shakes his head and sings 'I set a pace, so I can race without pacing.'");


var feedback = prompt("Please rate this game from 1-10");

if(feedback < 8) {

console.log("Thank you! We should race at the next concert!");


else {

console.log("I'll keep practicing coding and racing.");
