Joined November 2020


Writter at Ruind
Tempe, AZ

  1. Go For Herbs That You Enjoy Don’t make your herb garden for other people. If you are going to eat them I would suggest you plant herbs you and your family enjoy. This doesn’t necessarily mean you only grow herb you like to eat. Many people enjoy essay writing services about planting herbs in containers, for their aroma or their look. Some of my favourite herbs to grow in my herb gardens are: • parsley • basil • mint • sage • rosemary • thyme
  2. Try Doing Some Companion Planting Companion planting is a great idea in herb container gardening for plants with similar needs. Herbs that like water are parsley, chives, and marjoram. Conversely, herbs such as oregano, basil, rosemary, and thyme like the soil dry. Spreaders like mint will do better when planted alone. The solo planters can be grouped for better visual appeal and expediency. To make your herbs thrive you should provide them with lots of direct sunlight, start with a good potting mix, water as needed and even provide them with some plant food. When I talk about sunlight I would say at least 6 hours a day. Of course if the sun is very intense it’s a good thing to move your herbs to a shadier spot which is one reason container gardening is so cool, no pun intended. Today is a perfect day to start your herb container garden, I’m starting an indoor herb garden today, while preparing for our outdoor herb container garden. It’s always a surprise when you grow enough to share your herbs with friends and family, even your neighbours.
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