Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· shiva

Tmux Basics

TMUX basics

What Is tmux?
tmux is a terminal multiplexer. It lets us use a single environment to launch multiple terminals, or windows, each running its own process or program.

Installing tmux


$ brew install tmux


$ sudo apt-get install tmux

Starting tmux

$ tmux

Exiting tmux

$ exit

Creating named session which can be used we want the session to run the background

$ tmux new-session -s session-name
$ tmux new -s session-name

Command Prefix : CRTL-b is way of telling the next command is for tmux and not the application its running


In normal terminal if we close the terminal all the session would expire whereas in tmux its not the case.
Any program we start in session will be running .

We can see the list of tmux sessions running

$ tmux list-sessions 
$ tmux ls (if no name is provided the list session is named by numbers)

Detaching from the session using

CRTL-b d

We attach back to the session

$ tmux attach  (if only one session is running)

$ tmux attach -t session-name 

We can kill the session by

$ exit (within the tmux session )
$ tmux kill-session -t session-name

It ask for confirmation before killing the window

CRTL-b &    

Creating a new window

CRTL-b c

Renaming window from default name , default name of the window will be the application its running

CRTL-b ,

To navigate around the windows windows using

CRTL-b n       (next)
CRTL-b p       (previous)
CRTL-b 0-9     (if you have more the windows)
CRTL-b f       (to find the window by its name )
CRTL-b w       (dsiplays visual menu of windows and you can select them)

Panes : In Tmux we can divide a single session in

Vertical split

CRTL-b %

Horizontal split

CRTL-b "

We can navigate around the window using

CRTL-b o
CRTL-b arrow keys (UP , DOWN , LEFT , RIGHT)