Last Updated: December 10, 2018
· artchang

CIFilter inputRequestedSushiMode

Last year, we were working on RAW photo editing tools for Priime. One of the public headers showed inputRequestedSushiMode, but there was no documentation on what it did. It takes some int or double, but that was all we got.

I searched everywhere, and even posted on the Apple Developer Forums. No response.

Finally, I asked an engineer at Apple that I know to see if they could figure anything else for me.

Here's what I got:

sushiMode is for noise reduction.

1 typedef enum {  

2    sushiModeOff,   /*!< sushi mode off, noise reduction auto applied.* /   

3    sushiModeOn,    /*!< sushi mode is on, but noise reduction is done in the framework.* /  

4    sushiMode1_5,   /*!< same as sushiMode2, with geometry changing filters applied pre-sushi* /  

5    sushiMode2,     /*!< noise reduction is part of the filter stack.* /  

6    sushiMode3      /*!< demosaic filter is part of the filter stack.* /  

7 } sushiMode_t;