Last Updated: April 27, 2016
· trinitronx

iTerm2: Open Text File Paths in Sublime Text with Jump to Line Number

I was able to find & modify a wrapper script for iTerm2 for adding support similar to the "Open with default app" behavior, while opening any text file found in Sublime Text.

This allows you to:

  • Open text files in Sublime Text mentioned in a terminal session with format: /path/to/file:lineno:colno
    • lineno - Optional line number to Jump to when opening file
    • colno - Optional column number to Jump to when opening file
  • Open URLs, and other files with the default application for handling those files (Just like default iTerm2 behavior)

To use:

  • Save the following source code into a file called iterm_open_with somewhere in your shell's $PATH ( I recommend: ${HOME}/bin/iterm_open_with )
  • Follow the instructions here to set that script as a "+Click" "Run Command" under Preferences ( ⌘ + , ) > Profiles > Advanced > Semantic History: /Users/your_username_here/bin/iterm_open_with \5 \1 \2

Source Code Gist

# iterm_open_with - open a URL, file from CWD, full path, or path with linenumber in default app or Sublime Text if text file
#                   For usage with iTerm2:
#                   In iTerm's Preferences > Profiles > Default > Advanced > Semantic History,
#                   choose "Run command..." and enter "/your/path/to/iterm_open_with \5 \1 \2".
# Usage: iterm_open_with $(pwd) filename [linenumber]
# $(pwd) = current working directory (either use `pwd` or $PWD)
# filename = filename to open
# lineno = line number

perl -e "if ( \"$file\" =~ m|$regex|) { exit 0 } else { exit 1 }"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  # if it's not a url, try splitting by ':'
  arr=($(echo $2 | tr ':' "\n"))
  [ -e "$file" ] || file=${pwd}/${file}

file "$file" | grep -q "text"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  /usr/bin/open $file
  /Applications/Sublime\ ${file}${lineno:+:${lineno}}${colno:+:${colno}}

I've also kept URL detection intact, and added the ability to open any relative file path with Command+Click ( + Left mouse button). Line and column numbers now work too!